Today I chose to switch things up from my normal routine and I added in some exercises I haven't done in a while.
I started with some shoulder mobility movements becuase my right shoulder has been bothering me the last few days. I shared one of these on TikTok which is linked below. I used a PVC pipe to mobilize my shoulders. It is a difficult movement to describe with the written word so I recorded it on TikTok. I also did some overhead squats using that same PVC pipe which is a great shoulder stretch. When I first started doing overhead squats, I could not even do them with a broom stick. I had to work on my shoulder mobility a lot before I could do the full movement.
Today's workout:
4 Sets Cleans (no jerk becuase it hurts my shoulder) - 10 reps
4 Sets Snatches - 10 reps
1 Set Dumbell Shoulder Press - Did not feel good so I stopped
3 Sets Dead Lift - 10 reps
4 Sets Dumbell Shrugs - 15-20 reps
3 Sets Barbell Front Shoulder Raises - 10 reps
Not a very intense workout today but I was able to get some good shoulder mobility movements in. I may do some cardio on the treadmill later today, we will see :)