Tuesday - Back and Posterior Chain Workout

Tuesday - Back and Posterior Chain Workout

I have learned, over the years, to love back day and it is because I forced myself to do pull ups.  Like a ton of pull ups.  When I started adding pull ups into my workouts I could only do 4 at a time and that was if I was fresh.  When I really picked up my back day was when I read about a guy who didn't allow himself to even start any other back exercise until he did 100 pull ups first.  So I decided to do the same thing.

My back days used to take way longer than any other day because it took me so long to get my 100 pulls ups in.  And it sucked, but I stuck with it and now it is part of my routine every week. I usually will do 80-100 pulls ups on my first back day of the week and then on my second back day I will do 50.  Sometimes I will do sets of 10 and other times I will do sets of 12.  Sometimes I will add weight on with my pull ups but I haven't done that for a while.  I guess I better add weight on my next back day now.

Today's workout

8 Sets Pull Ups

8 Sets SLDL (Single Leg Dead Lift) - 10 each leg - In between my pull ups - 2 different styles but I am not sre what the first style is called so just watch the TikTok video and yes I need to keep my back leg straight, I will work on this.

3 Sets Barbell Bent Over Rows - 10 reps

3 Sets Hanstring Curls - 15 reps

3 Sets Banded Single Arm Back Rows - 12 reps (I did high and low reps)

3 Sets Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs - 12 reps

3 Sets Single Arm Lat Pull Down - 12 reps

3 Sets Dumbell Low Angle Rows - 10 reps on incline bench

3 Sets Bent Over Lat Flys - 12 reps

Here is a link to the exercises on TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdhkGQMs/



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