What is L-Cinnamon and why I created it

What is L-Cinnamon and why I created it

Not too long ago I was driving home from an entreprenuer conference in Las Vegas. The event didn't go the way I was expecting it to.  I was hoping to meet some new people to connect with, and get a ton of value from the speakers but I was not very successful in either of those expectations. I did however, come home with some very inspiring information.  As I drove home discouraged, I decided to turn on an audiobook that I downloaded before I left.  I don't remember many details of that audiobook, but one thing I did get was the wheels turning inside my head. I began thinking about how I need to better align my lifestyle with my business ventures.  And when I evaluate my lifestyle, one of the most important aspects is health and fitness.  I am obsessed with working out and eating a certain way.  The vitamins and supplements that I take on a daily basis would probably make some people roll their eyes, but really everything I take, I have a specific reason for taking it. Vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, fish oil, vitamin b12, cinnamon...........

Yeah that's right, cinnamon.  Cinnamon is actually my favorite supplement and the one I have to purchase the most often. If I plan poorly and run out of cinnamon, I am pretty upset.  I learned a few years ago about the health benefits of cinnamon. Specifically with how it helps promote and increase testosterone (which I always want more of) by cleaning out your androgen receptors so that any testosterone that is created gets absorbed in the body better. Not to mention that there is an incredible amount of data on cinnamon's seemingly infinite amount of health benefits.

One thing I noticed about cinnamon is how little people know about its health benefits, and even the people that do, still don't suppliment it into their diet.  So I thought this could be an opportunity to raise some awareness and create a product that others can benefit from; one that aligns perfectly with my lifestyle.

While thinking about cinnamon and how I can help others get informed about its health benefits, I came across l-arginine.  Not that I didn't know about l-arginine before this time, but I did not know how beneficial it is to our health as well.  In fact when I first began looking into l-arginine, it was because a doctor recommended my father take l-arginine to help his blood flow.  My father is diabetic and has recently lost one of his toes to the disease.  I knew that they put l-arginine in some amino acid drinks as well as pre-workouts but I didn't know it helps with diabetics.  I came to find out that it helps with diabetes, heart disease, wound recovery, blood flow and much more. I started taking l-arginine on my own and realized that it is an amazing compliment to my favorite suppliment, cinnamon.  

That is when I got the idea to put them both together; and I am glad I did. After some different formulations and many tests between me and some helpful friends, I came up with what I feel is a great starting point for a first timer,or someone who was already taking these two suppliments like me. Instead of taking 4 pills each morning between the two suppliments, I now only have to take 2. The less pills the better for me at this point (so many gulps of water every morning).

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